Borgen is a drama sensation from the producers of the acclaimed series The Killing. Following the intricate and complicated lives of politicians, media spinners and the reporters who feed off their triumphs and failures, Borgen uncovers a world of political and personal intrigue. The setting is Borgen, the nickname for Denmark's Parliamentary building, otherwise known as "The Castle". After scoring her party a landslide victory through her idealism and work ethic, the smart and sexy populist Birgitte Nyborg now faces the biggest dilemma of her life. The question is: Will she succumb to pressure of compromise on her ideals and face consequences both on and off the political stage? [权力的堡垒 第二季]是一部Jannik Johansen导演的欧美剧影片-由西瑟·巴比特·科努德森,比吉特·约尔特·索伦森,皮鲁·埃斯贝克等担纲主演,权力的堡垒 第二季于2011正式上映-权力的堡垒 第二季同时支持PC和手机在线观看。网站第一时间收集和整理权力的堡垒 第二季的完整资源/并第一时间为大家更新权力的堡垒 第二季的最新动态。以上是《权力的堡垒 第二季》的剧情介绍|主演导演介绍以及资源分享,如果你觉《权力的堡垒 第二季》好看,请分享给你的朋友一起观看!