DeadTectives follows a team of hapless paranormal investigators on a reality TV series who go on a quest to Mexico's most haunted house in the pursuit of better ratings. However, when the true dark secrets of the mansion begin to reveal themselves, the hapless presenters quickly discover that this house is no hoax. With zero ghost-hunting skills (or really any other applicable skills) the team has to figure out how to bust the ghosts and escape the house with their lives. [找死來唬秀]是一部Tony West导演的喜剧片影片-由玛莎·希加瑞达,克里斯·吉尔,蒂娜·伊维夫等担纲主演,找死來唬秀于2017正式上映-找死來唬秀同时支持PC和手机在线观看。网站第一时间收集和整理找死來唬秀的完整资源/并第一时间为大家更新找死來唬秀的最新动态。以上是《找死來唬秀》的剧情介绍|主演导演介绍以及资源分享,如果你觉《找死來唬秀》好看,请分享给你的朋友一起观看!